
I am pleased to announce that after a pause while I worked on my art skills, Freedom House is back on the march, and Chapter I is in full production, aiming for a 12 page promotional book to be ready for printing in early ’23. Let’s aim for March!

I’m still holding off on crowd-funding, but soon I’ll see who wants to pre-order a 12 page book for a guaranteed low price of £5.00. Right now I still have this precious time to work at this like a job and that’s what I’m going to do.

The industrial city is inspired by Bristol – here is a rough sketch of the Soapworks, which dominates the city.
Jack finds Albert asleep on the scaffolding. He knows this means a lost soul is calling and must run for Georgia, so she can dream-gaze.
The page that I couldn’t think how to do is now roughly blocked and I’m going again.

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